Fire & Rescue

Fire Stations

Training Complex

Community Programs

Fire Safety

Fire News


Fire & Rescue Frequently Asked Questions

Can Our School Class Visit a Fire Station?

Yes, school classes are able to set up fire station tours, as well as fire education classes. Please call the Fire Chief / Semmes Fire and Rescue Office at 251-206-7565 for scheduling information.

Is it Possible for a Firefighter to speak at our event or function?

Yes, it’s possible for a firefighter to speak at your event or function. For scheduling information and to discuss topics you’d like to go over, please call the Fire Chief / Semmes Fire and Rescue at (251) 283-7060.

The Fire Department Helped me out recently, How can I thank the Firefighters?

To let the Fire / Rescue Department know how they’re doing, you may call or mail in thank-you notes.
City of Semmes Fire and Rescue
9010 Forest Street
Semmes, Alabama 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060

Do Firefighters save animals stuck in trees?

No, the Semmes Fire / Rescue Department refers calls to the Mobile County Animal Shelter.

How do I report a fire code, or safety issue?

To report a fire code or safety issue, please call the Fire Chief at Semmes Fire and Rescue at (251) 283-7060.

May I contact the Fire Chief directly with an anonymous safety concern?

Yes, you may call the City of Semmes Fire and Rescue with an anonymous safety concern at (251) 283-7060. If your concern is an immediate threat to your safety, please call 911.

Does the Fire Department perform home safety surveys?

No, Semmes Fire and Rescue does not perform home safety surveys at this time, however they will provide and install smoke alarms (up to three) in your home if requested. Please call City of Semmes Fire and Rescue at (251) 206-7565, to schedule a visit if you need alarms.

Why do fire engines respond to car accidents, even where they do not look serious?

It’s protocol for fire / rescue personnel to respond to the scene of every accident for a number of reasons. Automobile accidents present other hazards such as potential fire, ruptured fuel tanks, undeployed airbags and/or the presence of hazardous materials. Also, if any occupants are trapped, fire / rescue personnel will begin the extrication (removal) process.

How much does the firefighter’s gear weigh?

A firefighter’s gear can weigh up-to 75 pounds. The basic gear includes a helmet, hood, pants, coat, gloves and oxygen tank. Depending on what the situation dictates, more equipment may be necessary.

What kinds of fire extinguisher should I buy for my home?

The best type of fire extinguisher to purchase for your home would be an ABC-rated extinguisher. Fire extinguishers with this rating are effective against fires involving trash, wood, paper, liquids (cooking oil, gasoline, paint) and electrical equipment. Note: Fire extinguishers need to be serviced once a year to ensure it will operate when needed.
It’s highly recommend that you purchase a serviceable-type, 5lb ABC fire extinguisher from a certifiable fire extinguisher company.
When maintained properly, serviceable-type fire extinguishers are the most reliable since they are guaranteed to work. They are also refillable, should you ever need to use your fire extinguisher.

Are Burn Permits required?

No, burn permits are not required for residents that live within the Semmes Fire and Rescue fire jurisdiction for small fires. However, any area to be burned more than one acre in size must be approved by Alabama Forestry. Alabama Forestry will issue burn permits for individuals/citizens for these larger planned fires. They can be reached at (251) 649-1380.

When is the burn season?

Under Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) regulations, open burning is not allowed between May 1st and October 31st each year.

Are Fireworks legal in Semmes?

Yes, fireworks are legal within the city limits.

Is it true that having a fire training facility in Semmes can lead to lower homeowner’s insurance costs?

Yes, because it contributes to a lower ISO rating.

If I request medical help in Semmes will I get charged?

The Semmes Fire and Rescue Department never charges for Medical Services. These services are paid for through the use of taxes collected by the city. You will incur a charge from the ambulance company that transports you to the hospital.

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fire News

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Nam pulvinar blandit velit, id condimentum diam faucibus at. Aliquam lacus nisi, sollicitudin at nisi nec, fermentum congue felis. Quisque mauris dolor, fringilla sed tincidunt ac, finibus non odio. Sed vitae mauris nec ante pretium finibus. Donec nisl neque, pharetra ac elit eu, faucibus aliquam ligula.

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim, metus nec fringilla accumsan, risus sem sollicitudin lacus, ut interdum tellus elit sed risus. Maecenas eget condimentum velit, sit amet feugiat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent auctor purus luctus enim egestas, ac scelerisque ante pulvinar. Donec ut rhoncus ex. Suspendisse ac rhoncus nisl, eu tempor urna. Curabitur vel bibendum lorem. Morbi convallis convallis diam sit amet lacinia. Aliquam in elementum tellus.

Fire Safety

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Community Programs

Fire prevention is very important to the City of Semmes Fire and Rescue Department. It is committed to help educate the public on fire safety, thereby preventing possible deaths and injuries to the citizens of Semmes. This is accomplished by educational classes for school children, talking to civic organizations, special community events, public announcements, and demonstrations on various topics.

Smoke Detector Give-Away Program
(Partnership with United Way)

The smoke detector “give-away” program is designed for residents in the jurisdiction of the City of Semmes Fire and Rescue Department. Once Semmes Fire and Rescue is aware of a home without a smoke detector, they can install a battery operated smoke detector (or detectors) in the appropriate locations and in a professional manner. Please contact the City of Semmes Fire and Rescue Department at (251) 283-7060 for more information concerning this program or to schedule an appointment for the smoke detection installation in your home. Remember, these are battery powered detectors and not hard-wired detectors.

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Scheduled Requests

Requests can be made through the Semmes Fire and Rescue Department at (251) 283-7060 for the following services:

Training Complex

Address: 9010 Forest Street Semmes, Alabama 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Kevin Brooks: (Fire Chief)
Michael Caldwell: (Fire Marshal)
Laticia Fultz: (Admin. Asst. / Emergency Mgt. Coordinator)

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

City of Semmes Training Center

The City of Semmes Public Safety Training Complex is utilized for continual training programs designed to meet training requirements according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. The City of Semmes Municipal firefighters train at this facility and it is utilized by other regional fire departments for training purposes as well.

The Public Safety Training Complex opened for business on January 23, 2015. It is dedicated and designated to the training of local firefighters throughout Mobile County in need of realistic training and instruction on fighting deadly structural fires. The Mobile County Commission funded the three-and-a-half story burn tower out of Commissioner Connie Hudson’s District 2 education funds at a cost of $307,000 in 2013, in a partnership with the City of Semmes. Live burns practiced in the tower allow firefighters to train and observe the full progression of a fire. At the same time, firefighters receive additional training and classroom instruction at the 2,800 square foot training and emergency response facility next door to the fire tower.

Besides preparing firefighters for life-saving practices, the capability to train at the burn tower has been incorporated into assessments by the Insurance Services Office (ISO), which influences homeowner insurance rates in the City of Semmes.

Construction of Semmes First Responder Safe Room was completed June 1, 2020. It is located behind the Semmes Public Safety Training Complex at 9010 Forest Street. The 2000 square foot facility will shelter up to 84 first responders and public safety personnel while withstanding wind speeds of 200 mph. The structure’s primary purpose is to provide the City of Semmes’ first responders (fire and public works personnel), Mayor and city leaders, law enforcement, EMS and utility providers a safe harbor during a catastrophic event such as a hurricane. The facility will ensure continuity of leadership while providing a reliable communications center necessary for the most effective/expedient response and recovery efforts.

Fire Stations

Station #1
Station #2
Station #3

Station #1
Address: 3751 Wulff Road
Semmes, Alabama 36575

Phone: (251) 930-1504

Station #2
Address: 6836 Lott Rd,
Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 930-1504

Station #3
Address: 8855 Morris Hill Rd,
Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 930-1504

Kevin Brooks Fire Chief
Address: 9010 Forest Street.
Semmes, AL 36575
Phone: (251) 283-7060
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

City of Semmes Fire and Rescue

City of Semmes Fire and Rescue is committed to protecting life and property while providing emergency services to the citizens of our community. This citizen-oriented fire department accomplishes this by providing:

Efficient and professional services

Extensive fire and safety education and training programs

A highly trained work force

Fire inspection and prevention activities

Modern technology and equipment

The City of Semmes Fire Rescue Department administration offices are located at 9010 Forest Street, Semmes, Alabama, 36575. The phone number at the administrative office is (251) 283-7060. The Administration office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Emergency services are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Message From Chief Brooks

The goal of Semmes Fire Rescue has always been to serve the citizens of Semmes with honor and respect through professionalism in everything we do. Training has always been a priority and we continue to provide our firefighters with the knowledge to do their job to the best of their ability. By offering Alabama Fire College classes and regional training to our firefighters to ensure they will have the skills to accomplish any task.

Equipping our firefighters with new equipment and apparatus has also been a priority. The city of Semmes purchased a new engine in 2016 and two more in 2018 to bring most of our fleet into compliance with NFPA standards. The recent purchase and installation of a new mapping system and pre-emptive devices mounted on all front-line apparatus to control traffic lights at intersections is helping with our overall response times.

Fire Inspections for all our businesses has improved tremendously and the recent resolution passed by the City Council to adopt the new 2018 International Fire Code will keep us in line with the State Fire Marshal’s office and provide a safe and secure environment for our business owners and their patrons.

If anyone has any questions about what services or programs Semmes Fire Rescue provides for the community don’t hesitate to call me at the Semmes Public Safety Complex at (251) 283-7060.

Fire Chief Kevin Brooks

Kevin Brooks
Fire Chief

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

City Hall Address:
9010 Forest Street
Semmes, AL 36575

Phone: (251) 283-7060

Mission Statement

The mission of the Semmes Fire Rescue Department shall be to safely execute prompt
and professional fire, rescue, emergency medical and other pertinent public safety
services, which include fire prevention education, in a fiscally and ethical manner with
courage, compassion and integrity for those we are dedicated to serve and protect in
our community.

City News

Changes Coming Soon! Exciting News for Semmes. Mayor Van Hook has been working for several months with Mobile County Commission and The Mobile County School Board to take over operation and maintenance of the Semmes Community Center and Park located at 10141 Moffett Road. As of February 1, 2023 , The Semmes Community Center, […]

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